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The fine diamond wheel from Tormek has a grit equivalent of 600, is an all round wheel combining removal of steel to providing a smooth finished surface. Materials such as steel, ceramic and carbide can be sharpened using the new diamond stone range, and can be mounted to the current T-8 model, previous T-7 model and earlier models that use a 250ml diameter wheel.
The diamond stones give the same grind as the water stones using the outside edge, without the need to truing and as a result will not reduce in diameter, with the added benefit of being able to sharpen using the face of the wheel and achieving a flat grind previously not possible with the water stones, using the new MB-100 Multi Base.
Included with every wheel is a 150ml bottle of anti-corrosion concentrate to prevent rust forming on the grinding wheel, use this in a 10ml to 250ml ratio.