New look, new code, same great machine! We have updated the look & product code of our CT-PS1600-1PH (now TS-P1600P), however rest assured, all specifications of this machine are the same as our beloved CT-PS1600-1PH.
An economy 12" (305mm) Sliding Panel saw with all the features. Right from the start this saw packs a punch with solid cast iron main table that adds heft and creates stability from which to work from. Combine this with industrial features such as a 30mm main arbor, scribing blade, blade guarding that rises, falls and tilts with the blade and a riving knife this machine has all the right features to make a solid difference to your work.
Additionally the saw features a 1.6m sliding table travel, main table extension and overhead dust extraction guard that collects dust right at the source helping to keep your workpiece cleaner and increase your visibility while cutting. Angles are also easily cut on the sliding table by adjusting the mitre fence to the desired angle. The larger footprint of the saw makes it the centrepiece of your workspace where real work gets done!
Please note that the Main blade is not included so make sure to choose a CMT industrial blade such as 281-096-12M or speak to one of our sales people to select the correct blade.
This machine also requires a 15A electrical circuit for connection to power. This work must be performed by a licensed electrician.
Scribe Blade - 90mm x 20mm x 3mm